The privacy policy describes the rules for processing information about you, including personal data and cookies.
General information
– This policy applies to the Website operating at the URL:
– The operator of the website and the Data Administrator is: IQO Investments sp. z o.o., Dolina Ciemięgi 9, 21-003 Dys.
– The contact email address of the operator:
– The operator is the Administrator of your personal data in relation to the data provided voluntarily on the Website.
– The website uses personal data for the following purposes:
– Conducting a newsletter
– Preparation, packing, shipping of goods
– Execution of ordered services
– The website performs the functions of obtaining information about users and their behavior in the following way:
– Through data voluntarily entered into forms, which are entered into the Operator’s systems.
– By saving cookie files (so-called “cookies”) in end-user devices.
– Selected data protection methods used by the Operator
– The places of logging in and entering personal data are protected at the transmission layer (SSL certificate). As a result, personal data and login data entered on the page are encrypted on the user’s computer and can only be read on the target server.
– The operator periodically changes its administrative passwords.
– To protect data, the Operator regularly performs backups.
– An important element of data protection is the regular update of all software used by the Operator to process personal data, which in particular means regular updates of software components.
– The service is hosted (technically maintained) on the operator’s server: ………………
– Your rights and additional information about the use of data
– In some situations, the Administrator has the right to pass your personal data to other recipients if it is necessary to perform the contract concluded with you or to fulfill the obligations incumbent on the Administrator. This applies to such groups of recipients:
– hosting company on the basis of entrustment
– couriers
– postal operators
– banks
– payment operators
– companies providing marketing services for the Administrator
– Your personal data processed by the Administrator no longer than is necessary to perform the related activities specified by separate regulations (e.g., on accounting). In terms of marketing data, data will not be processed for longer than 3 years.
– You have the right to request from the Administrator:
– access to personal data concerning you,
– their correction,
– deletion,
– restriction of processing,
– and data portability.
– You have the right to object to the processing specified in point 3.3 c) in terms of processing personal data in order to perform legally justified interests pursued by the Administrator, including profiling, provided that the right of objection cannot be exercised in the case of the existence of valid legally justified grounds for processing, overriding your interests, rights, and freedoms, in particular for establishing, pursuing, or defending claims.
– Complaints against the Administrator’s actions can be submitted to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.
– Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the operation of the Website.
– In relation to you, actions may be taken involving automated decision-making, including profiling for the purpose of providing services under the contract concluded and for the purpose of conducting direct marketing by the Administrator.
– Personal data is not transferred from third countries within the meaning of data protection regulations. This means that we do not send them outside the European Union.
Information in forms
– The website collects information voluntarily provided by the user, including personal data, if they are provided.
– The website may save information about connection parameters (time stamp, IP address).
– In some cases, the website may save information facilitating the linking of data in the form with the email address of the user filling out the form. In such a case, the user’s email address appears inside the URL of the page containing the form.
– Data provided in the form are processed for the purpose resulting from the function of a specific form, e.g., to carry out the process of handling a service request or commercial contact, registration of services, etc. Each time, the context and description of the form clearly inform what it is used for.
Administrator logs
– Information about users’ behavior on the website may be logged. These data are used to administer the website.
– Essential marketing techniques
– The operator uses traffic statistical analysis on the site, through Google Analytics (Google Inc. based in the USA). The operator does not pass personal data to the operator of this service, only anonymized information. The service is based on the use of cookies on the user’s end device. Regarding information about user preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the user can view and edit information resulting from cookies using the tool:
– The operator uses remarketing techniques, allowing the adjustment of advertising messages to the user’s behavior on the page, which may give the illusion that personal data of the user are used to track him, but in practice, no personal data are transferred from the Operator to the advertising operators. The technological condition for such actions is the enabled support of cookies.
– The operator uses the Facebook pixel. This technology causes the Facebook service (Facebook Inc. based in the USA) to know that a registered person is using the Service. In this case, it is based on data for which it itself is the administrator, the Operator does not pass any additional personal data from itself to the Facebook service. The service is based on the use of cookies on the end-user device.
Information about cookies
– The website uses cookies.
– Cookies (so-called “cookies”) are computer data, in particular text files, which are stored on the end device of the User of the Service and are intended for use of the websites of the Service. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they come, the time they are stored on the end device, and a unique number.
– The entity placing cookies on the end device of the User of the Service and accessing them is the operator of the Service.
– Cookies are used for the following purposes:
– maintaining the session of the Service user (after logging in), thanks to which the user does not have to re-enter the login and password on each subpage of the Service;
– realization of the purposes specified above in the part “Essential marketing techniques”;
– Within the Service, two basic types of cookies are used: “session” (session cookies) and “permanent” (persistent cookies). “Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User’s end device until logging out, leaving the website or turning off the software (web browser). “Permanent” cookies are stored on the User’s end device for the period specified in the cookie parameters or until they are deleted by the User.
– Web browsing software (web browser) usually by default allows storing cookies on the User’s end device. Users of the Service can change the settings in this regard. The web browser allows deleting cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies. Detailed information on this subject is contained in the help or documentation of the web browser.
– Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some functionalities available on the website of the Service.
– Cookies placed on the end device of the User of the Service may also be used by entities cooperating with the operator of the Service, in particular, this applies to companies: Google (Google Inc. based in the USA), Facebook (Facebook Inc. based in the USA), Twitter (Twitter Inc. based in the USA).
– Managing cookies – how to practically express and withdraw consent?
– If the user does not want to receive cookies, he can change the browser settings. We note that disabling the support for cookies necessary for authentication processes, security, maintaining user preferences may complicate, and in extreme cases may prevent the use of www pages.
– To manage cookie settings, select from the list below the web browser you use and follow the instructions:
– Edge
– Internet Explorer
– Chrome
– Safari
– Firefox
– Opera
– Mobile devices:
– Android
– Safari (iOS)
– Windows Phone
This sample policy was generated free of charge, for informational purposes, based on our knowledge, industry practices, and legal regulations in force on the day 2023-07-05. We recommend checking the policy sample before using it on the site. The pattern is based on the most common situations on websites, but may not reflect the full and precise specificity of your website. Carefully read the generated document and if necessary, adjust it to your situation or seek legal advice. We do not take responsibility for the consequences of using this document, because only you have an influence on whether all the information contained therein is true. Also, note that the Privacy Policy, even the best, is only one of the segments of your concern for personal data and the privacy of the user on the www site.
Okowity wyprodukowane z jabłek odmiany Bohemia z sadów Krzysztofa Niećki z Kozłówki. Do produkcji jednej butelki okowity potrzebowaliśmy 116 szt. owoców. Soczysty miąższ o słodko kwaśnym smaku wpływającym na świeżość produktu końcowego. Fermentowane bez pestek.
Data rozlewu: 24/02/2023
Do produkcji tej serii okowit wykorzystaliśmy żyto pozyskane z Gospodarstwa Rolnego Kowalczyk Adrian, Kolonia Wola Sernicka 6.
Data rozlewu 10/03/2023.
Seria przygotowana na bazie EKO żyta pozyskanego z gospodarstwa Tomasza Starzykowskiego, Krynica 29, 22-145 Dubienka. nad Bugiem.
Data rozlewu 13/06/2023
Okowita z gruszek odmiany Konferencja pozyskanych z Gospodarstwa Sadowniczego Krzysztofa Niećko z Kozłówki. Owoce soczyste, kruche o średniej słodkości, miąższ żółtobiały. Fermentowane bez pestek.
Okowita z gruszek odmiany Konferencja pozyskanych z Gospodarstwa Sadowniczego Krzysztofa Niećko z Kozłówki. Owoce soczyste, kruche o średniej słodkości, miąższ żółtobiały. Fermentowane bez pestek.
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Efekt współpracy z lokalnym lubelskim rzemieślniczym browarem Inbrand. Materia wyjątkowa – piwo typu KOŻLAK. Do wydestylowania jednej butelki bierbrandu potrzebowaliśmy 14 piw!
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Efekt współpracy z lokalnym lubelskim rzemieślniczym browarem Inbrand. Tym razem na warsztat wzięliśmy piwo IPA. Do wydestylowania jednej butelki bierbrandu potrzebowaliśmy 9 piw!
Data rozlewu 22/03/2023
Seria okowita powstała z EKO orkiszu pozyskanego z gospodarstwa ekologicznego Piotr Osik Wola Skromowska 1, 21-150 Kock. nad rzeką Wieprz. Cechą charakterystyczną tego gatunku zboża jest mocna skórka, która chroni ziarno przed szkodliwymi promieniami słonecznymi, szkodnikami oraz zanieczyszczeniami środowiska. Dzięki tym właściwościom świetnie nadaje się na ekologiczne uprawy.
Data rozlewu: 11/10/2023, 12/03/24
Seria okowit powstała ze starej odmiany wiśni Łutówka pozyskanych z Gospodarstwa Sadowniczego Krzysztofa Niećko z Kozłówki. Późna odmiana wiśni, ciemno-czerwony soczysty miąższ o brązowawej mocnej skórce, która to jest źródłem wyjątkowych aromatów okowity. Owoce o kulistym kształcie przed fermentacją zostały w pełni pozbawione pestek. Jedną butelkę wydestylowano z 10 kg wiśni.
Data rozlewu: 11/10/2023.
Okowita powstała z wczesnej odmiany ziemniaków Red Lady pozyskanych „po sąsiedzku” z gospodarstwa Piotra Gospodarka Jakubowice Konińskie ul. świerkowa 7. Bulwy podłużne, skórka cienka czerwona, miąższ żółtawy. Ziemniak o intensywnym smaku, który wspaniale przekłada się na słodycz i wyjątkowy aromat po destylacji.
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Seria przeznaczona do starzenia w 225 l beczce z francuskiego dębu po winie. Wyprodukowane z jabłek odmiany Alwa z sadów Krzysztofa Niećki z Kozłówki.
Fermentowano bez pestek.
Okowity wyprodukowane z jabłek odmiany Szara Reneta z sadów Tomasza Zawadzkiego, Stanisławów 28, 24-300 Opole Lubelskie . Do produkcji jednej butelki okowity potrzebowaliśmy ok. 60 szt. owoców. Fermentowane bez pestek.
Data rozlewu: 17/11/2023.
Seria okowit powstała z owoców pozyskanych z Gospodarstwa Sadowniczego Krzysztofa Niećko z Kozłówki. Trudna do fermentacji aronia z uwagi na niewielką zawartość cukru oraz twardą skórkę, oddaje intensywny aromat. Idealny smak dla koneserów wytrawnych trunków. Do przygotowania jednej butelki okowity wykorzystaliśmy ok. 20 kg aronii.
Data rozlewu: 13/11/2023.
Okowita ze śliwek węgierek pozyskanych z gospodarstwa Mariusz Jacek Jelonek, Walentynów 7 A 27-300 Lipsko n. Wisłą. Śliwka zebrana w środku sezonu, o dużych, dojrzałych owocach nadała intensywny aromat destylatowi. Zestawiona do mocy 50% vol . Fermentowane bez pestek. Do wydestylowania jednej butelki okowity wykorzystano 10 kg śliwek.
Data rozlewu: 11/10/2023
Efekt współpracy z lokalnym lubelskim rzemieślniczym browarem Inbrand. Ten sam, a jednak całkiem inny smak piwa typu IPA, ponieważ tym razem chmielony na zimno. Dzięki tej metodzie piwo nabrało intensywniejszego aromatu. Do wydestylowania jednej butelki bierbrandu potrzebowaliśmy 9 Piw.
Data rozlewu: 13.11.2023.
Seria okowit powstała przy współpracy z Winnicą Kazimierskie Wzgórza z winogron odmiany Riesling i Roter Riesling. Aromatyczny gatunek winorośli o kwiatowym intensywnym bukiecie i wysokiej kwasowości. Zbiór 2023.
Data rozlewu: 17/11/23
Seria okowit z jęczmienia pozyskanego od Mateusza Grenia – Milanów, Radcze 83. Mateusz jest kolejnym pokoleniem rolników prowadzących z pasją rodzinne gospodarstwo we wschodniej Polsce. Wszelkie plony ze swojej ziemi przetwarza we własnym zakresie, produkując wyśmienite oleje tłoczone na zimno, zdrowe przekąski owocowe oraz mąki. Lubimy takie podejście.
Wholesale, Speciality Stores, HORECA
We offer the opportunity for wholesale distribution of our products. If you are seeking unique, high-quality regional products for your establishment, hotel, store, or distribution outlet, we provide attractive collaboration terms. Our offer includes a wide selection of high-proof spirits with diverse flavour profiles. Additionally, we offer training and ongoing marketing support for our partners to collectively enhance the value of your offerings. We can also create series tailored to your individual needs.
Private Labels, Individual Contracts
We are open to collaborating on the creation of private label products or fulfilling individual contract orders. We have the full technical and administrative infrastructure to bring your ideas to life.
Practical Consulting for Distillery Setup
The more craft distilleries, the better. Currently, Poland boasts over 300 regional breweries and more than 400 vineyards. However, there are only a few distilleries that engage in the production process from the beginning to end – from grain/fruit/vegetable through to the final bottled product. Successfully navigating the journey from idea to realisation means tackling numerous challenges. We have tackled many such scenarios successfully and have experience, skills and up-to-date practical knowledge to help you do the same.
Feel free to contact us for detailed information about our B2B offerings. We are open to collaboration and ready to tailor our services to your needs and expectations. We will happily answer any questions and provide precise terms of cooperation.