Period of the Zamoyski estate administration
The building was erected by Count Zamoyski in 1895 as a water mill and was at that time the largest of its kind in the entire Kozłowiecka Fee Tail. It was powered by a water wheel, and the grinding process was carried out using millstones. The walls, over one and a half metres thick at the base, were supported by oak piles serving as the foundation for the four-storey structure. The interior of the brick building consisted of a wooden framework supported by columns and beams.
In the following years, the water wheel was replaced by a more efficient type of propulsion – a Francis water turbine from Ganz & Company, which initially directly powered the mill machinery and later a power generator. The millstones were replaced by steel rollers. The mill’s area also included the current municipal road, the eastern embankment of the mill pond, and a bridge with a water dam.
In 1914, a fire started by retreating Cossack troops, broke out in the mill.
Inter-war Period
During the inter-war period, there was a parcelisation of the Kozłowieckie Estate, and in 1936 the building was sold by the Zamoyski family to the Supryn family. The new owners had several ideas for the use of the property but social considerations prevailed (the local population needed a mill in the area) and the building continued to fulfill its original function. Before the German occupation, besides using water energy for its own purposes, the mill supplied electricity to nearby homes (the village was not electrified before World War II) and to the Supryn workshop, located in a tenement about 300 meters upstream from the mill along the Ciemięga River. The workshop manufactured various things including spares for elevators.
World War II
During the war, the mill operated normally, except for the clandestine milling at night to avoid detection by the occupiers. Thanks to this the village always had bread. It was a dangerous pursuit – in Ciecierzyn, as a punishment for similar actions, the miller was deported to a concentration camp, from which he never returned. After the Russians entered in 1944, the mill continued to operate, but the owners, overwhelmed by requisitions, barely survived.
The Communist Era (Polish People’s Republic or PRL)
In the 1950s, the mill and its surrounding area were unlawfully seized from the owners and nationalized. During the communist period, it was under the management of an agricultural cooperative. Years of struggle to reclaim it proved fruitless.
The 1990s
In 1990, with the support of the local community and the adoption of a resolution at a meeting of the Solidarity trade union, several dozen people gathered in front of the building in protest. As a consequence, the keys were handed over and returned to the rightful owners. This event was described in an article in the Gazeta Lubelska newspaper on May 9th 1990, under the title “The Last Action of the Armed Underground.” While the mill was successfully reclaimed and operating, the legal battle continued for several more years. The case was repeatedly reviewed by the Supreme Administrative Court. Only through the determination of the Supryn family – Stanisław and his brother Tadeusz, and later Maria Supryn – was the property finally restored to its rightful owners by the court’s judgment in 2002.
People and Their Stories
The mill is associated with many stories. During the occupation, the Germans organised a Christmas Eve celebration here, while the Russians fired at the building. You can still see the bullet marks on the facade and doors. No less interesting are the fates and stories of those associated with it – owners, millers, and local residents, people who visited Dys. After several years of searching for documentation, all myths have been confirmed and have become facts. Mill projects, documents relating to people associated with it, along with milling logs that describe daily activities in the building, are in the possession of the current owners, will be studied and interpreted to make them available to the public.
Present Times
The mill underwent renovation from 2016 to 2022, during which all the original milling technology remained in situ. In addition to the main machinery, milling equipment, tools, and numerous artefacts have also been preserved.
Now the building has new life. It houses the Dyssov craft distillery, where we have begun the production of traditional spirits with a modern twist. The name comes from the Dyss family – the founders of the village. Grains and fruits sourced from local farmers and orchard owners give the spirits their flavours and aromas, while craft beers, after distillation in copper stills, become beer brandies. The next step is to work on barrel-aged spirits, creating gin based on juniper berries sourced from the Kozłowieckie Forests.
Władysław Winkelmann came to the Lublin region from Wielkopolska and was appointed manager of the distillery on the Kozłowieckie Estate. He features in our story as the grandfather of the last owners of the mill.
As a respected specialist, apart from his role as the head of the Zamoyski distillery in Nasutów, he was delegated to other facilities, contributing to their modernisation. He held managerial positions in distilleries in Wola Ossowska and Stasin.
You can see documents attesting to Władysław’s work history below:
Winkelman – Approval for the Position of Distillery Manager at Wola Ossowińska
Winkelman – Approval for the Position of Distillery Manager at Stasin
Okowity wyprodukowane z jabłek odmiany Bohemia z sadów Krzysztofa Niećki z Kozłówki. Do produkcji jednej butelki okowity potrzebowaliśmy 116 szt. owoców. Soczysty miąższ o słodko kwaśnym smaku wpływającym na świeżość produktu końcowego. Fermentowane bez pestek.
Data rozlewu: 24/02/2023
Do produkcji tej serii okowit wykorzystaliśmy żyto pozyskane z Gospodarstwa Rolnego Kowalczyk Adrian, Kolonia Wola Sernicka 6.
Data rozlewu 10/03/2023.
Seria przygotowana na bazie EKO żyta pozyskanego z gospodarstwa Tomasza Starzykowskiego, Krynica 29, 22-145 Dubienka. nad Bugiem.
Data rozlewu 13/06/2023
Okowita z gruszek odmiany Konferencja pozyskanych z Gospodarstwa Sadowniczego Krzysztofa Niećko z Kozłówki. Owoce soczyste, kruche o średniej słodkości, miąższ żółtobiały. Fermentowane bez pestek.
Okowita z gruszek odmiany Konferencja pozyskanych z Gospodarstwa Sadowniczego Krzysztofa Niećko z Kozłówki. Owoce soczyste, kruche o średniej słodkości, miąższ żółtobiały. Fermentowane bez pestek.
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Efekt współpracy z lokalnym lubelskim rzemieślniczym browarem Inbrand. Materia wyjątkowa – piwo typu KOŻLAK. Do wydestylowania jednej butelki bierbrandu potrzebowaliśmy 14 piw!
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Efekt współpracy z lokalnym lubelskim rzemieślniczym browarem Inbrand. Tym razem na warsztat wzięliśmy piwo IPA. Do wydestylowania jednej butelki bierbrandu potrzebowaliśmy 9 piw!
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Seria okowita powstała z EKO orkiszu pozyskanego z gospodarstwa ekologicznego Piotr Osik Wola Skromowska 1, 21-150 Kock. nad rzeką Wieprz. Cechą charakterystyczną tego gatunku zboża jest mocna skórka, która chroni ziarno przed szkodliwymi promieniami słonecznymi, szkodnikami oraz zanieczyszczeniami środowiska. Dzięki tym właściwościom świetnie nadaje się na ekologiczne uprawy.
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Seria okowit powstała ze starej odmiany wiśni Łutówka pozyskanych z Gospodarstwa Sadowniczego Krzysztofa Niećko z Kozłówki. Późna odmiana wiśni, ciemno-czerwony soczysty miąższ o brązowawej mocnej skórce, która to jest źródłem wyjątkowych aromatów okowity. Owoce o kulistym kształcie przed fermentacją zostały w pełni pozbawione pestek. Jedną butelkę wydestylowano z 10 kg wiśni.
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Okowita powstała z wczesnej odmiany ziemniaków Red Lady pozyskanych „po sąsiedzku” z gospodarstwa Piotra Gospodarka Jakubowice Konińskie ul. świerkowa 7. Bulwy podłużne, skórka cienka czerwona, miąższ żółtawy. Ziemniak o intensywnym smaku, który wspaniale przekłada się na słodycz i wyjątkowy aromat po destylacji.
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Seria przeznaczona do starzenia w 225 l beczce z francuskiego dębu po winie. Wyprodukowane z jabłek odmiany Alwa z sadów Krzysztofa Niećki z Kozłówki.
Fermentowano bez pestek.
Okowity wyprodukowane z jabłek odmiany Szara Reneta z sadów Tomasza Zawadzkiego, Stanisławów 28, 24-300 Opole Lubelskie . Do produkcji jednej butelki okowity potrzebowaliśmy ok. 60 szt. owoców. Fermentowane bez pestek.
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Seria okowit powstała z owoców pozyskanych z Gospodarstwa Sadowniczego Krzysztofa Niećko z Kozłówki. Trudna do fermentacji aronia z uwagi na niewielką zawartość cukru oraz twardą skórkę, oddaje intensywny aromat. Idealny smak dla koneserów wytrawnych trunków. Do przygotowania jednej butelki okowity wykorzystaliśmy ok. 20 kg aronii.
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Okowita ze śliwek węgierek pozyskanych z gospodarstwa Mariusz Jacek Jelonek, Walentynów 7 A 27-300 Lipsko n. Wisłą. Śliwka zebrana w środku sezonu, o dużych, dojrzałych owocach nadała intensywny aromat destylatowi. Zestawiona do mocy 50% vol . Fermentowane bez pestek. Do wydestylowania jednej butelki okowity wykorzystano 10 kg śliwek.
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Efekt współpracy z lokalnym lubelskim rzemieślniczym browarem Inbrand. Ten sam, a jednak całkiem inny smak piwa typu IPA, ponieważ tym razem chmielony na zimno. Dzięki tej metodzie piwo nabrało intensywniejszego aromatu. Do wydestylowania jednej butelki bierbrandu potrzebowaliśmy 9 Piw.
Data rozlewu: 13.11.2023.
Seria okowit powstała przy współpracy z Winnicą Kazimierskie Wzgórza z winogron odmiany Riesling i Roter Riesling. Aromatyczny gatunek winorośli o kwiatowym intensywnym bukiecie i wysokiej kwasowości. Zbiór 2023.
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Seria okowit z jęczmienia pozyskanego od Mateusza Grenia – Milanów, Radcze 83. Mateusz jest kolejnym pokoleniem rolników prowadzących z pasją rodzinne gospodarstwo we wschodniej Polsce. Wszelkie plony ze swojej ziemi przetwarza we własnym zakresie, produkując wyśmienite oleje tłoczone na zimno, zdrowe przekąski owocowe oraz mąki. Lubimy takie podejście.
Wholesale, Speciality Stores, HORECA
We offer the opportunity for wholesale distribution of our products. If you are seeking unique, high-quality regional products for your establishment, hotel, store, or distribution outlet, we provide attractive collaboration terms. Our offer includes a wide selection of high-proof spirits with diverse flavour profiles. Additionally, we offer training and ongoing marketing support for our partners to collectively enhance the value of your offerings. We can also create series tailored to your individual needs.
Private Labels, Individual Contracts
We are open to collaborating on the creation of private label products or fulfilling individual contract orders. We have the full technical and administrative infrastructure to bring your ideas to life.
Practical Consulting for Distillery Setup
The more craft distilleries, the better. Currently, Poland boasts over 300 regional breweries and more than 400 vineyards. However, there are only a few distilleries that engage in the production process from the beginning to end – from grain/fruit/vegetable through to the final bottled product. Successfully navigating the journey from idea to realisation means tackling numerous challenges. We have tackled many such scenarios successfully and have experience, skills and up-to-date practical knowledge to help you do the same.
Feel free to contact us for detailed information about our B2B offerings. We are open to collaboration and ready to tailor our services to your needs and expectations. We will happily answer any questions and provide precise terms of cooperation.